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Popular towns/villages Costa del Sol

Last Updated: May 16, 2023

How long is the drive from the airport?

Last Updated: May 16, 2023

In our working area, 90% of the properties we have in our portfolio are accessible within 5 to 75 minutes from Malaga airport

What are the average property prices on the Costa del Sol?

Last Updated: May 16, 2023

Property prices vary depending on the location, size and quality of the property. In general, prices for apartments start around €150,000, while villas often start at around €500,000. The area around Estepona and certainly Casares and Manilva are generally slightly cheaper than the other regions

The 10 nicest cities and villages on the Costa del Sol

Last Updated: August 27, 2023

Sun-drenched days, azure seas and beautiful beaches – welcome to the Costa del Sol, one of Spain’s most popular holiday destinations. The Costa del Sol is located along the southern coastline of Spain. The Costa is located in the provinces of Málaga, Cádiz and Granada. The Costa del Sol is also called “the coast of...

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